

3 Seal Tips to Prevent Downtime

The Mepaco®’s Field Services and Engineering Team have been on hundreds of calls for all types of food processing equipment service. Seal issues are one of the common requests for service.  Here’s the top 3 trouble signs for split seal types and how to troubleshoot repair. The Trouble Signs: Product escapes or purges out of...

Doubling Cook Batches without Doubling Footprint

    This featured system doubled cooking batches within a minimal footprint used well-planned equipment selection, floor layout, and controls customization. Mepaco®’s cooking system featured side-by-side ThermaBlend® cookers, with a shared maintenance and sanitation platform.   SYSTEM FLEXIBILITY The multi-recipe prepared foods processor benefited from flexibility in production scenarios. The system can run two batches...

What NOT to do When an Agitator is Failing

Many processors make their own repairs to equipment, but in the case of agitators, the repair must be sound to avoid problems in the future.  Mepaco Service technicians are trained and experienced to troubleshoot shaft wear and are specialists in the repair of stainless steel.  Here is a list of what not to do when...

How to Know When an Agitator is Failing

In some cases, there is a particular event that causes agitator damage such as a shovel or fork falling into a piece of processing equipment.  However, there are several other signs that determine when an agitator is failing: The agitator starts developing cracks in the pipe or welds. The agitator starts rubbing the tub side wall....

4 Tips to Address Emergency Downtime

Mepaco’s Service Team is often called out on critical downtime situations.  The goal for any food processor is to prevent these situations and if they are unavoidable, mitigate the time and cost associated with the breakdown.  To start with, here are the top four calls that Mepaco Services receive for emergency support: Broken Shafts Agitators are failing when...

Practical Equipment Strategies to Remove Foreign Contaminants from Processing Lines

Large-volume automation in the meat processing industry brings a higher risk of foreign material contamination. Foreign material can include metal shavings and shards from grinders, mixers and dicers, wood and nails from pallets, and numerous other materials like plastics and glass. The following are equipment options and proper maintenance practices that can help mitigate foreign...

Column Dumpers – Featuring 60 degree dump angle

Processors should be able to focus on critical operations and not have to worry about auxiliary equipment. That’s what Mepaco’s CD1000 Column Dumper delivers; a Column Dumper that is heavily built, engineered for easy maintenance, built to strict sanitary design standards, and like our processing equipment solutions, modifiable to meet specific production requirements. The animation...