

3 Ways Agitators Impact Thermal Processing Solutions

The type and viscosity of food product, thermal processing technology, desired texture, and cooking/processing cycle times are considerations for the applied cooking/blending solution. When selecting an agitator or changing an application, review the thermal processing and blending goals. The proper agitator selection, blending action and recipe controls provide the highest level of batch productivity and...

Overcoming the 5 Most Common Processing System Bottlenecks

  Our service techs, engineers, and application experts have pinpointed the five most congested production areas in food manufacturing plants. Here are their tips for mitigating these delays, starting with the loading of a system: #1 Bottleneck: Inefficient and Ineffective Loaders A common bottleneck is slow loading times preventing the start of batch mixing or...

Mepaco – 90 Years in the Making

The Mepaco® brand has been around for a long time. The company began in 1932 and operated out of Oakland, California.  The name Mepaco® stands for Meat Packers Equipment Company.  For the first 40 years, Mepaco® was a significant equipment supplier to deli meat, sausage, and smoked meat processors. Mepaco® offered loaf molds and slicers,...

Doubling Cook Batches without Doubling Footprint

    This featured system doubled cooking batches within a minimal footprint used well-planned equipment selection, floor layout, and controls customization. Mepaco®’s cooking system featured side-by-side ThermaBlend® cookers, with a shared maintenance and sanitation platform.   SYSTEM FLEXIBILITY The multi-recipe prepared foods processor benefited from flexibility in production scenarios. The system can run two batches...